bowls taradale

55 Wharerangi Road, Napier, NZ 
Ph (06) 8442088     Fax (06) 8442031

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Bay View Havelock North Heretaunga Omarunui Kia Toa Bluff Hill Bowls HB Bowls NZ

TOAST COMPUTERS - 11 Carnell St, Napier - Phone Steve Pearce on 8356927 for all your computer needs

Newsletter 19  -  25 January 2010

Bowls Hawke’s Bay Women’s Open Fours 
Following on from last week's games at Bowls Heretaunga here are the post section players in the Women's Fours.

(Bowls HB website)
The following teams skipped by the players below, qualified for post section play - which will be held on Sunday 7th March;  J. Van der Weele (Bowls Napier), S. Sutcliffe (Kia Toa), E. Lange & C. Ferrick (Bowls Heretaunga), S Belcher (Havelock North), & M. Prideaux (Omarunui)
Women's Pairs Final
This event, scheduled for last Friday morning, has now been changed to Thursday Feb 4th at 4.00 pm. Sheryl Glock (S) Barbara Exeter (L) will play Irene Newbold (S) and Tessa Hocking (L) - each pair has one life.

Centre Women's Open Singles
Five of our women entered the Women's Singles last weekend. Competitors had to put up with damp conditions but by day's end Angela Boyd was our only club representative to make post-section play. The final was between Margaret Wilson and Liffy Law, both Havelock North. The new Women's Singles champion is Margaret Wilson.

Thank you to those people who volunteered as markers. Your help is appreciated.

Did you know my right finger is longer than my left? There is still time to get one closer Don't talk to the
photographer, Colin
Alan Dawe in action
Ray, Richard, Don, Russell Bruce spends many hours making competitions run smoothly.
Thank you Bruce.
Everyone has a job to do
Centre Mixed Pairs
The draw for next weekend's HB Mixed Pairs can be seen on the Bowls HB website (see link at top)
Play will be at Bowls Napier and Port Ahuriri
Good luck to the eight teams from Taradale taking part.

Wanted To Buy
One of our new members would like to buy a set of No 1 bowls.
If you can help please phone Jenny on 8354493


Fri   29 Jan 10.00 Open Mixed Earthquake Triples - whites (sponsored tournament)
Sun   7 Feb 12.30 Club only Pairs
Fri   12 Feb  12.30 Open Mini Hetero triples
Sun 14 Feb 10.00 Hetero 2.4.2  Under 10 / Over 10 - mufti

Jan 30 & 31    Centre Mixed Pairs
Feb 6 & 7       M & W Centre Open Pairs
Feb 13 & 14    Rep. Fixture v Taranaki at P.Nth

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Friendship is not a big thing. It is a million little things.

Etiquette - No One deliberately Plays A Bad Bowl
When you are Skip, remember that the players in your team are as anxious to win as you are, and that it is bad form to remind any of them that they have put down a bad bowl. They know that equally well as you do - and it hurts more if you remind them of it by word, grimace or action. All bowlers, including Skips, play bad bowls at times, and lose games, too.
Basil, Laurie, Mike, Barry Del acting as marker in the men's singles
Colin v (Ray ??)
Bruce and Ivy
GALA'S GETTING CLOSER - March 10th 2010 
Please save your old magazines, books and jigsaws. Start potting your cuttings, preserving season is near, maybe an extra jar can be put aside for our stall.
Any odd balls of knitting wool that can be used by our 'crafty ladies' would be gratefully received. There will be a basket available in the shed for your donations of wool.


Set realistic performance goals
Practise the skills
Expect to perform up to your current abilities
Be in good physical condition
Measure success in terms of your goals (not in terms of winning)
Use positive self-talk
Act confidently
Trust yourself
Embrace competition – it is the reward for practice
Mistakes happen - learn to deal with disappointment


Question: Sometimes after the last bowl has come to rest you think it might topple over and finish closer to (or further away from) the jack. Are you allowed to wait in the hope a bowl might fall over?

Law 40        Deciding the number of shots scored

1.  The process of deciding the number of shots scored should not start until the last bowl required to be played in an end has come to rest, or 30 seconds after that if either skip or opponent in Singles asks for this 30-second period (for example, to see whether or not a bowl lying at an angle will fall of its own accord within that time).

2.  If either skip or opponent in Singles has asked for a 30-second period, no bowl which is likely to fall should be secured during that period.

Customer: "I've been calling 0800 -1600 for two days and can't get through. Can you help?"
Operator: "Where did you get that number, sir?"
Customer: "It's on the door of your business."
Operator: "Sir, those are the hours that we are open."


Taradale Bowls Twilight Triples
TUI - Proud Sponsors of Taradale Bowls Twilight Triples
(2 Bowls - Hetero )
Started Wednesday 20 January
 and runs for 8 Weeks
Games commence @ 5.30p.m.

Bowls on TV

27/01/2010              20:00            SKY Sport 1             Mates In Bowls

28/01/2010              18:00            SKY Sport 3             Mates In Bowls

29/01/2010              00:00            SKY Sport 1             Mates In Bowls

30/01/2010              03:00            SKY Sport 2             Mates In Bowls

31/01/2010              05:30            SKY Sport 1             Mates In Bowls



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