bowls taradale

55 Wharerangi Road, Napier, NZ 
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Newsletter 26  -  15 March 2010

Angela Boyd and Barbara Exeter both made the final of the Hawkes Bay Women's Junior Singles (see below)


Gala Report
Just a note from the Club Captain
What a privilege to be a member of Bowls Taradale.
Our first ever Ladies Gala last Wednesday. Two full greens, a good day weatherwise and a tremendous team of helpers. The feedback that I have received has just been incredible. "The best gala I've ever been to", was the overriding comment. I want to publicly acknowledge the effort made by "our girls" and also not forgetting a number of "our boys". I'm not going to try to name them, because we all know that that's a recipe for disaster, suffice it to say that both practically and financially it was a huge success. Our thanks also go to our sponsors, principally Tamatea Pak N Save and also the "Mother Club" for their assistance in ensuring the day went smoothly.
Thanks Girls (and guys)
They tried to enter a team but were lacking two players (and that's not the only thing lacking) What's Irene been drinking? Johnny and Bob doing what they like to do best I told Irene to behave herself but she wont listen!

To see more Gala photos click here - courtesy Les Stuart

Stop Press 9th March 2010 
To all Club Members from your Bowls Committee 
Please be aware that the appointment of Craig Ennor and Pete Townrow to the bowls committee is only a temporary measure to help ease some of the workload that our appointed president Bill Ripley is under. Bill has not resigned and will be welcomed back when circumstances permit.

Friends Day
Wednesday March 31 has been set aside as Friends Day. This is the day when we invite someone from another club to join us in Hetero Triples. Dress is mufti and play commences at 10.00 am. Last year this was a very popular event; let us try to make the 2010 day just as memorable. Each team is expected to have at least one visitor. There is no entry fee.

Entries to Lois Hook 8442161

We, the hosts, are expected to bring a plate for afternoon tea and to contribute something that can be used on the raffle table.

Congratulations Bay View (one week ago)
(Bowls HB website)
After a round robin, the 2010 District Shield saw a popular and first ever win to the Bay View Bowling Club which defeated Bowls Heretaunga by one point at Napier
Etiquette - Have Patience After A Bowl Is Delivered
If you are waiting for your opponent to deliver the last bowl wait until he/she moves off the mat before placing the mat on the bank. After the last bowl has been delivered wait for him/her to move up the green before you move off.

Bowls HB Men's & Women's Junior Singles
We are truly lucky to live in Hawkes Bay. Sunny skies and gentle breezes were the norm for those taking part in last weekend's Centre Junior Singles. Seven of our women competed at Havelock North and Heretaunga and FOUR made post-section play; Angela Boyd, Barbara Exeter, Tessa Hocking and Sherill Taylor. What a great achievement.

In the semifinals Barbara had a great tussle with Morag Lush (Kia Toa) eventually winning 21-20. Angela's semifinal against Heather Leyland (H Nth) was a little more one-sided but she still had to produce top shots to stay ahead.

Angela and Barbara then went on to play each other in the final with Angela succeeding 21-20. Congratulations Angela the 2010 Hawkes Bay Champion.

In the men's singles, at Bowls Taradale and Bay View, eight of our men took part. Quite a few were knocking on the door and some were put out when they had to play their own club members. Anyhow it appears being an "elder statesman" is an asset if you want to reach post-section play because Morrie Shirley was our only successful entrant.

As I go to print I have not heard who won. Please check Bowls HB website for results.

Thank You Markers
Those who spent time marking over the weekend deserve our appreciation. Thank you for being so generous.


Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 

Growing old beats the alternative – dying young. 

If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

The following venues have been confirmed.
(Bowls HB website)

April 11th - Div 1 and 2 Open Mixed 2 x 4 x 2 - Bowls Napier
Thanks Paula
Paula has been busy making new corner flags.

They look great!


THE IDEAL SKIP: To make a success of skipping players must have a lot of confidence in their own ability. They must be top-notch draw bowlers because more often than not this is the shot they have to play. If their draw shot is not their best and most consistent shot they should not be skipping. They must be capable of good trail shots, firm shots to rest bowls or push them through and must also be accurate drivers. The skip should only drive when they can afford to do so. Every shot must have a definite objective and if there is a danger that one’s own bowls will be lost then the shot should not be played.

The skip must try to get the very best out of the side. Stressing the obvious such as too narrow, too wide or too fast will not give the poor player who has played the bad shot any confidence. Skips must overlook poor shots and let the players know they believe in them and know they will do better. Harmony in a side is just as important as the bowls that are played.

Skips have to realise that every player in the side is doing their best. If they give the impression, by word or action, that they have lost confidence in the team then it is skip’s fault when the standard of play quickly deteriorates.


Question: Something unusual happened in a game our Fours were playing. The lead, the No 2 and No 3 had each delivered their bowls so it was time for the skips to play. Our skip’s first bowl struck the jack and it moved towards the right hand side of the rink. The remaining bowls were played then scoring began. When we were checking the head someone said, “I think the jack is out.” Both skips rechecked and agreed the jack was just outside the side boundary of the rink. What should now happen? Do you ignore the last few bowls? Does the result stand because both teams played at least one bowl after the jack moved? Is the end dead? Should you refer both skips to an optician?

Law 30        Dead jack
If the jack is moved by a bowl in play, it is a dead jack if it passes completely outside a side boundary of the rink of play. The skips should decide whether a jack is dead or not as soon as they realise it is necessary. If the players do not realise that a decision is necessary as soon as the jack comes to rest, the decision can still be made even if a number of bowls have been played after the jack came to rest.

Fri 19 Mar 12.30 Open Mini Hetero Triples
Wed 31 Mar 10.00 Friends Day Hetero Triples
Mar 21 W - Ch. Ch. Singles
Mar 27 M - Ch. Ch. Singles
Mar 28 M - Ch. Ch. Fours
Mar 28 W - Ch. Ch. Junior Singles
Apr 10 M & W - Ch. Ch. Junior Pairs
Apr 11 M & W - Postponement Day
Apr 18 M - Ch. Ch. Junior Singles
Apr 24 M & W - Jun. Rep. v GEC - Wairoa
May 15 & 16 M - Jun. Rep. Hex - Wanganui
May 23 Prizegiving at Havelock North
Jun 26 AGM at Havelock Nth
Jun Junior M. Quadrangular at Hastings


 WIN Cash and Prizes up to the value of $10,000

1st - 2nd
MAY 2010

Special Conditions


2 Sections at Heretaunga, Hastings and 2 Sections at Taradale

ENTRY FEE $150.00 per team (must accompany entry)

Limited to the first 64 teams -  Entries close 16 April 2010



* * * * *

To print an  entry form click here

If you are from "out-of-town"
and you want to see what accommodation is available
click the link to the right of this to bring up
a list of places and their charges

Accommodation Link



Pony For Sale
Young Paddy bought a pony from a farmer at Rissington for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the animal the next day. The next day he drove up and said,
 'Sorry, Paddy, but I have some bad news. The pony’s dead.' 
Paddy replied, 'Well then just give me my money back.' 
The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I've already spent it.' 
Paddy said, 'OK, then, just bring me the dead pony.'  
The farmer asked, 'What are you going to do with him?' 
Paddy said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.' 
The farmer said, 'You can't raffle a dead pony!' 
Paddy said, 'Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.' 
A month later, the farmer met up with Paddy at the supermarket and asked, 'What happened with that dead pony?' 
Paddy said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at $2 each and made a profit of $898' 
The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?' 
Paddy said, 'Just the guy who won, so I gave him his $2 back.' 
Paddy now works for Telecom (hope I'm not flogging a dead horse!)



More gems from Opotoki - thanks to Johnny Ward.

Skips have their own private assessments of players' abilities but players also have their own ideas about skips! Here are some of the printable ones - all tongue in cheek of course. 

Heaven protect us lowly leads, twos and Directors from Skips who
1. Announce to all and sundry that they have just returned from the Nationals and have been conned into taking this team on because they couldn't get a skip. 

2, Announce loudly (it's not their fault) “We're 4 Down!" You've usually just stepped on the mat to play, hopefully, your best-ever bowl. You know what happens - your knees tremble, your heart thumps - HELL we're 4 down! – and you know the rest - we're still 4 down! 

3 At the crossover tells our team (and most of the green) “we're 3 down" and at the next crossover conveniently forget to tell anyone that we're 4 up! 

4. Bitterly complain, "I never have any thing on the head!" These skips seem to forget that on the previous end the opposing skip went from 6 down to 1 up with his last bowl! 

5. Spends most of his time talking to the opposing skip while you stand like a dummy waiting for pearls of skip wisdom. 

6. Turns his back when your bowl has hardly travelled 15 feet. 

7. Is more interested in his mate’s game about three rinks away 

8. Violently waves his bowling cloth over the top of some bowls, and shakes his head, points to other bowls with his finger and then his chest and nods. By the time they've indicated 6-7 bowls in either way you're in perfect mental condition to fire one down and probably take out your own shot bowl! 

9. Tells us wisely that we need less green when we see your last bowl career through the head on the next rink. (Funny, we would never have worked that out for ourselves!) 

10. Ditto calling for less weight when we have just seen your bowl whistle 10 ft.past the kitty. 

P.S. If skips think we're that dumb (see 9 and 1O) maybe they should make the game easy for us simpletons and just tell us;

A. Which hand
B. Which track
C. How heavy
And forget the rest!




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