Newsletter 03 -  8 September 2008

Club Shirts Almost Ready
Those members who ordered club shirts through Lilian will be pleased to know that they will be ready this coming Saturday, September 13th. If you are writing a cheque please make it out to Bowls Taradale. People paying by cash please try to have the exact amount so Lilian does not have to find change.
Shirts may be picked up from Lilian at 353 Westminster Ave between 10.00 am 12.00 am on Saturday. Otherwise phone 8444989 and make a time.
Shirts with names will cost $52.
Shirts without names will cost $47.


Green changes to Grey
The green carpet which used to cover B Green has now disappeared and been replaced by a layer of grey sand. Once again the generosity of our members was illustrated with the large turnout of volunteers who helped take up the old carpet. Thank you to Bernie Menefy, Pete Townrow, Dave Jenkins, Les McKee, Terry Shakeshaft, Eddie Parsons, Phil Young, Graham Gardner, Murray Glassey, Russell Turner, Kevin Hook, Basil Hook, Gordon Netley, and Bryan Gilbertson. Special thanks must go to two Bay View players who turned up and helped - Graham Walker and Russell Smith. Russell used his commercial cutting equipment to help as well. The assistance of all of these people is greatly appreciated. As if all that is not enough Wanda and Sherril Taylor took time out to bake some goodies to give to the men for morning tea. Thank you ladies and well done everyone.

A few strips of the old green (6m x 3m) are still available for $15 each. Give Dave Jenkins a call now if you are interested (ph 8440449)

The contractors are coming in this week to make a start on our new green and hopefully all will be completed by the end of this month (fingers crossed)

Thanks to Les, Val and Lois for the following photos.
You can enlarge each one by clicking the photo.
Press the RETURN ARROW at the top LH corner to come back to this page.

The five photos below were taken on Opening Day


Have you seen what Maureen carries on her back?

See what drink does to you!
I dare not enlarge this anymore

Bowls Hawkes Bay Has A New Website
Bowls HB has a new website. I got the old site up and running and now Colleen Ferrick has taken over. The new site came online four days ago and Bowls HB should be very pleased with it. Well done, Colleen. To see the new site click Bowls Hawkes Bay


It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.
-Babe Ruth, baseball


Coaching Lessons  -  (Tuesday Mornings in September)
Three people came to coaching last Tuesday. If anyone else wants John M. to coach them next Tuesday (tomorrow) please phone on 8444126 - no phone call / no coaching. Coaching will continue till the end of the month (10.00 am - 11.00 am)  My intention is to do something on technique, suggest some training exercises and talk about  tactics.

Tuesday mornings will not suit everyone and I am sure not everyone wants to be coached by me so it is important we have variety. If any others want to coach just let me know what day and what time suits you and I will publish it in the next newsletter.


Practice Makes Perfect
Practice sessions develop and build on existing skills. Match play is where those skills will be demonstrated. Quality practice requires high levels of concentration. This will flow on into match performance. Focus attention on developing sound routines until they become automatic.

Bowlers need to practise skills on a daily basis. It is only by doing this that one can become good at the skill.

Try one of the following;
a. Blame your Bowls
b. Blame someone else
c. Seek coaching.

The Law

Law 20  Position on the mat   
Before delivery a player should be standing on the mat with one foot fully on the mat. At the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player should have all or part of one foot on or above the mat.

Law 23  Improper delivery of the jack
The jack has been improperly delivered if it comes to rest less than 23 metres from the mat line after the jack has been centred

Colleen Ferrick on the new selection panel (taken from the Bowls NZ site)
Changes to the national selection panel, which has done away with the old system of separate panels for men and women’s teams, has shown that “the sport has matured”, Bowls New Zealand C.E.O., Kerry Clark said in announcing the new trio. The new panel, which consists of national coach, Dave Edwards as convenor and introduces two former New Zealand representatives, Colleen Ferrick (Hawkes Bay) and Terry Scott (Dunedin), was announced by Clark today.


Etiquette - We all Have Responsibilities
Bowls is a friendly game. Consideration for others, courtesy and being a good sport will add enjoyment to a skilful and rewarding pastime. If all bowlers were familiar with what their responsibilities are as players and as club members many of the little unpleasantries that crop up would be avoided.


  2008 - 2009 SEASON
10 Wed Centre Opening, Executive Fours
27 Sat Junior 5 X 5 Mixed
28 Sun Junior 5 X 5 Mixed