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Bowls HB

Bowls NZ

No 27      10/03/2013
 This week's sponsor is -
COMPUTER CONNECTION -  53 Thackeray Street, Napier


Phil, Pedro, Johnny, Ivan



Mon Mar 11 National Club Champs - Bowls Napier
Tue Mar 12 National Club Champs - Bowls Napier
Wed Mar 13 Coaching / Twilight Triples
National Club Champs - Bowls Napier
Thu Mar 14 National Club Champs - Bowls Napier
Fri Mar 15 Mini Hetero Triples
National Club Champs - Bowls Napier
Sat Mar 16 Junior Women's Singles
Sun Mar 17 Junior Women's Singles

• Set realistic performance goals
• Practise the skills
• Expect to perform up to your current abilities
• Be in good physical condition
• Measure success in terms of your goals (not in terms of winning)
• Use positive self-talk
• Act confidently
• Trust yourself
• Embrace competition – it is the reward for practice
• Mistakes happen - learn to deal with disappointment
• Persevere

I was playing a game of triples on a very windy day when a sudden gust of wind caused the jack to move about half a metre. Should you leave the jack in its new position, put it back, or move to Australia?

Law 53             Unforeseen incidents
If, during the course of play, the position of the jack or a bowl is altered by the wind, a storm or any other unforeseen incident, the skips or opponents in Singles should put the jack or bowl back to its former position. If they cannot agree on the jack’s or bowl’s former position, they should declare the end dead.


After you have delivered a bowl and before it has come to rest you have two options;

  • Hurry forward and get behind the head, or
  • Move back on to, or behind, the mat.

If you want to track your bowl's progress you must be behind the head when it stops.
In other words you must beat it to the head. If you don't go to the head
you must be behind the mat when your bowl stops.

Every year our gala seems to get bigger and better. Warm sunny weather, two full greens and the large "GALA" flag fluttering helped give the club a festive air.. Shirley, Barbara and June, along with a large band of helpers ensured that tables were overflowing with produce of all kinds. To the large group of people who directly or indirectly helped support the women's gala "Thank You". Unofficially, the gala raised somewhere in the vicinity of $2500. What a great effort and one all club members can feel very proud about.

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between the two words "complete" and "finished." In a recent linguistic competition held in London, a Guyanese man named Samsundar Balgobin, was the clear winner. He got a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes.

His final question was this: "Please explain the difference between the two words "COMPLETE" and "FINISHED" in a way that is easy to understand."

Here is his answer: "When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. And when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED.

And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED."
This Centre event was held at Port Ahuriri over the weekend. Almost two full greens bore testimony to the popularity and strength of bowling in Hawkes Bay's while seven pairs from Bowls Taradale must almost be a record number of entries from our club in this event. Only six teams made Post-Section play today (Sunday) and two of those were ours; Sean Roberts & Chris Angove, Bryan Godber & Lloyd Fitness. Unfortunately our two teams had to play each other (boo hoo). Bryan and Lloyd won that game so that put them in the semifinals where they fought hard but eventually went under to Kia Toa. The final between Kia Toa (J Young & M Le Geyt) and Heretaunga (P Harrison & G Keighley) was won by Heretaunga 15-14
Last Friday Margaret Haine was playing in the club's Hetero Triples and mentioned to Les Stuart that she was getting a lot of heartburn and tightness in her chest. Les suggested she see her doctor as soon as possible. That is exactly what Margaret did. Later that afternoon she was admitted to hospital where she was told had she not come in when she did there was a strong possibility she might have had a massive heart attack. In light of that Margaret would like to publicly thank Les for his part in helping her get well. She is now out of hospital, no bowls for a month, a handful of pills to take each day but is making great progress. All of us at Bowls Taradale wish Margaret, and several others who have recently been in hospital, a full and speedy recovery.
Last Monday the annual Greenkeepers Social Tournament was held at Omarunui. It was a single entry event but that did not stop Bryan Isles from coming out on top. Congratulations to Bryan and his team (Richard Moorich from Kia Toa and David Radley from Waipukurau) for winning the Tournament.


A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan.
She asked the class, "If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?"
A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, "I think I'd throw up."



  Next Saturday we are hosting the Hawkes Bay Women's Junior Singles.
  We need about six markers so if you feel you can help please phone Peter Townrow 8448086 or write your name on the sheet in the club house.
  Your help is greatly appreciated.
  Thank you.

I found this "Bowls Grab One" article
in this month's Regional Newsletter.
If you want to enlarge it click the image

You know that indestructible black box
that is used on airplanes?

Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!

Kia Toa Bowling Club. Tiger Turf Sponsored Hetero Triples. Sunday 31 March 2013. Commencing 10.00am. $30.00 per team. Total Prize money $1,000.00. (Winning team $300.00). Whites/Club Uniform. Bring own lunch. Four games. Entries to Joy Gee Ph 876 7404. (joygee@clear.net.nz).

Bowls Hawke’s Bay – Men’s Junior Singles and Women’s Junior Pairs.
Entries for both of these tournaments close Wednesday 13 March 2013.

EDNA SAYS THANKS: This letter was sent to the Lions Bay School Principal's office in West Vancouver after the school had sponsored a luncheon for seniors. An elderly lady received a new radio at the lunch as a door raffle prize and was writing to say thank you.

Dear Lions Bay School: God bless you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent Senior Citizens luncheon. I am 87 years old and live at the West Vancouver Home for the Aged. All of my family has passed away so I am all alone. I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown to a forgotten old lady. My roommate is 95 and has always had her own radio. She would never let me listen to it. She said it belonged to her long dead husband, and understandably, wanted to keep it safe. The other day her radio fell off the nightstand and broke into a dozen pieces. It was awful and she was in tears. She asked if she could listen to mine, and I was overjoyed that I could tell her to bugger off.

Thank you for that wonderful opportunity. God bless you all.
Sincerely, Edna